I realize it's been a very very..... very long time since I have updated this....life kinda gets in the way sometimes. Babies have come and gone. She have quite a few bunnies to choose from for fair.
Here is Barbie, she is one of Lola's babies and is about 3 months old now. This was her baby with Sylvester who went to his new home a few months ago.
We are not sure if she is staying yet or not.
Here she is as a baby, with her tongue sticking out...lol
Barbie and Louie were roomies until they were weaned.
Here are Delilah's babies with Oliver. They are about 2 months now. We are not sure if we will keep them both yet or not.
Speedy, a little girl. We thought this was a boy so good thing Alyssa named him/her a gender neutral name...lol
And Jeffrey.
Here is a picture of Louie, from Lulu's 2nd litter. He was sold at the rabbit show last weekend to go be a 4H project in Nebraska. Louie was always right there for a head scratch. He will be greatly missed.

Here is Petrie, also Lulu's 2nd litter. We will be keeping for awhile to see how he does.
Here is Chief, from Lulu's first litter. He will be sold here shortly (hopefully) Our younger babies just turned out a little better than he did. It will be sad to see him go, he loves to have his head scratched.
Here is Delilah. Her last litter didn't take so I will be breeding her again here shortly. It was a little too warm today.
Here is Kirby. He hasn't been on here for awhile, thought he should have an update.
Here is Lulu. She is getting a break from being a mom for awhile, just in case we need her for fair. Maybe in the fall after all of the shows are over we will try her again.
Here is a picture of all of Lulu's 2nd litter.
Here is Lilly. Getting ready to wean her latest baby and will breed her again when I breed Lila.
Here is here is Lilly's baby, who even at 5 weeks I don't know if it's a boy or a girl, haven't checked and since Alyssa isn't here doesn't even have a name. His/her ears have gotten quite long so he/she will be going to the pet store.
Here is Lollipop. She just had a litter of 4, with Kiki. One was dead, which is quite unusual for her.
Here are her babies, day 1. They weren't looking so good so I was quite concerned.
Day 2, looking a little better.
Day 3 looking much much better. Looks like 2 seals, which will have to go and a siamese smoke pearl.
Here is Lola. She just had a litter of two with Max. She wanted another litter with Max since he's getting to be an old man bunny and she though he should be a dad again.
Here are her babies 1 day old.
Here they are 3 days old.

And here they are 4 days old.......

Here is Max, Alyssa's special little guy. Showing off his wonky donkeys as only he can do.
Here is Ace, the dad to all the baby Dutch. He has done fairly well at the shows lately.
Here is Bella. She hasn't gone to any shows lately because we are still trying to fatten her up.....lots of cheerios and supplement for her. Good thing is I think it might be working....hopefully.
Here is Peter. He has done ok at the shows. Not sure if he will be staying or going. We may use him to breed to see how he does.
These next 2 pictures, one is Copper and one is Todd. I can't ever remember which one is which and which one is in which cage so I will put both their pics....lol One of them has C1 for a tattoo, one has C2. C1 will be staying, he's done pretty well at the shows. C2 may be going after the fair depending on how he compares to the younger ones after they grow up a bit.
Here is Kiki. He hasn't been able to go to the last couple of shows because he thought he didn't like his coat and decided to molt, which basically means he's shedding like crazy and his coat looks all weird.
Here is Cera and Ducky, the two girls of the most recent litter between Lulu and Ace. They look so much alike that you can't really tell them apart without looking at their tattoos.
Here is Oliver. He hasn't gotten to go to the last couple shows either, he is also molting. Oliver is Kiki's dad. Must be hereditary.
Here is Bart, aka devil bunny. Not one of Alyssa's favorites and also not one of the nicest bunnies we have. He has done only ok at the shows but has excellent color so we may keep him for breeding for a bit, just to see
And here is my sweeeeet Julia. She is one of the nicest rabbits we have and loves to sit on my lap and just look around while we are at the show. I think she would be an awesome show rabbit except she still has her head tilt. May try to breed her to see what we can get or she may just be my "take her to the show because she's so darn cute" rabbit. :)
And here is something that you won't see every day. Patience and Houdini are actually laying fairly close to each other.
Alyssa all dressed up for her pop's concert......nice pose, huh?
Alyssa and Caramel before he went to his new home with Sarah.
Alyssa all dressed up for her FFA Banquet
Don't know who this is, but thought it was cute.
Alyssa and Patience being bums
Cooper, aka Fatso
Neko, aka Bigger Fatso
Alyssa and Louie and Petrie
And now.......I think we are all caught up......for now......