Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Oh Houdini.....

Well…..it’s been awhile since we had a Houdini post.   I thought maybe he was growing up and didn’t need such antics anymore.   I was wrong.   Last night I made burgers for supper.  I cooked an extra one for lunch.   I put it in my container to cool before I put the lid on and silly me I left it unattended.    Evidently he decided that wasn’t a good choice because when I came back out later it was on the floor.  Not for him to eat but just so I couldn’t eat it I guess.   I am guessing Dolly put him up to it because she ended up getting the burger.  Before the burger had been tossed to the floor I had put a bun in a baggie and set it by my purse so I wouldn’t forget it.   this morning I found the bun on the floor and ripped up just enough so that it was not edible.   Another Dolly conspiracy as she got that too.   Last week he pulled a bag of shredded cheese out of the garbage and threw that all over the floor, not once but twice.   This was a Jake conspiracy as he was the one that benefited when he snarfed it up on his way outside for the day.     Alyssa has left a bag of Doritos in the living room the last several days.   I am guessing that one day, quite possibly today, we will go home to find Dorito remains all over the living room floor.    Put the warning out……food is not safe at our house.  

Monday, March 12, 2012

Lots of babies

Where to start, so many updates again.  

These are Lollipop's first litter.  They are almost 4 months old now.  Here is Peter.    Still looking really good, hoping his color comes in more.

Here is Bart, his brother.   Still really liking him too and his color is looking really nice.

Here is Bart who thinks is he is part himalayan.  This is how Himalayan's pose, not dwarfs, silly Bart.

Here is Lollipop's most recent litter.    They are a little over 2 weeks old now and out of the nest box now.  Will be another week before I can tell if they are boys or girls.  Still super cute.  First pic they are a little over a week, 2nd pic is current.

Here is Delilah's most recent litter.    They are a little over 11 weeks old.  So far we are keeping all 3 and will let them grow up a little to see how they do.  First is Melman.

Then we have Julia.  

And Alex ( a girl)  lol

Here is a picture of Gloria who was Melman's foster sister.    She is around 11 weeks old.

Here is Lola's last litter. They are 11 weeks.

And Marty

Lola had her babies on 03/07/12.  She had 2 but one was dead.    Since it is very hard for a single baby to stay warm when it's cold out, I took one of Lulu's babies to share the nest.  So far so good.  Lola has accepted the baby and is feeding it quite well.   Here they are a couple days after Lola's baby was born and  a current pic.

Lulu had her babies on the 6th.   First pic is when they were born, 2nd pic is a current pic.  They are 6 days old now.  So far it looks like we may only have a couple to keep and the rest will have to go to the pet shop.  

Here are Twinkie and Caramel who are on vacation at Rita's house and maybe becoming famous in pictures.

Friday night Mylie was sold to a 4H girl.  In the hurry we didn't get a picture of her and Alyssa before she left.  Saturday Moe, Sylvester, Marty, Gloria and Peanut Butter (runt) were sold to a 4H family.  Here are their pictures with Alyssa.  We will miss them terribly, but they are going to great homes.

Delilah was bred, will know in a couple of weeks if we will have more babies.  Lilly didn't take last time so will breed her the next round when we breed.