Lilly's babies are 3 weeks old now and I just took the nest box out. Ornery little things they are and they don't much like to be held. Guess I will have to start getting them out every day.
Not sure if they are boys or girls yet, maybe next week I can check. So far it looks like we will be keeping the black one this time, but things can change all the time.
Sylvester is 7 weeks old and he just got his own cage this weekend. Hopefully he does ok and doesn't miss mom too much. I haven't taken him out much lately but he definitely has Lola's personality, sweet and calm. I still really like the way he looks and he certainly likes to pose. His ears and nose are starting to get a little darker and I would say in the next couple of weeks his color will show more. Lola has been digging, digging, digging, so I am guessing she is pregnant. I wasn't sure she took because I tried her with Kirby this time and I didn't think she really liked him much. I am anxious to see what Kirby's babies can look like. Even though Kirby's color isn't showable he is a nice solid buck and should make some nice babies.
Lila's babies are 9 weeks and I can't believe how small they still are. Sylvester is about the same size, but I suppose since was the only baby.
Hopper isn't looking too bad, his ears may be a little long but his color is coming along nicely. He is a little blotchy right now but in another couple weeks should look great.
Chipper is still super sweet, it's too bad that she has a bad color. I am hoping to find her a fabulous pet home.
Kiki is still my hopeful out of this litter. Checked again and I think Kiki is a boy, originally thought Kiki was a girl. lol Oh well, bound to happen sooner or later that I guessed wrong.
Nova is now 3 months old but for some reason she has decided she wants to be huge. Here she is next to Lolli who is 4 months old. And then after that is Lolli and Squirt.
And here is a picture of Lulu for Alyssa since it's been awhile since she's seen
And here are some more pictures of my flowers, they are starting to look really cool. And then Alyssa's peppers and cherry tomatoes.
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